John 14 :1 ‘’Do not let your hearts be troubled. Believe in God, believe also in me’’.

Beloved in the Lord!

Without putting too fine a point on it, we can say that the news and reports continually coming our way are the least reassuring they could be. Indeed, it is true to say that the fears and uncertainty they engender are causing a great number of the inhabitants of our planet to sink into hopelessness and despondency, with a resulting sense of paralysis and inability to act.

What with media alarms and alerts of a nuclear war that could break out at any moment in the West, the impasse reached in negotiations between the belligerants of regional conflicts, terrorism extending its grip ever further across a number of countries in Africa, alterations in the geostrategic balance of power with resulting reshuffling of the geopolitical cards, the possibility of another world pandemic more destructive than Covid was, the disruption of normal climate patterns attended on by its cortege of natural and collateral damage and disasters … and so on, no-one can feel sheltered or guaranteed from the prospect of a final apocalyptic catastrophe plunging the world into an abyss of irreversible destruction.

As his three years on earth drew to a close, Jesus Christ was getting ready to return to his Father, which also meant physically separating from his disciples. Understanding their legitimate anxiety and concerns and their manifest emotional distress, he reassured them : ‘’Put your trust in me, just as you already do in God’’. True it is that, in the light of the frightening analysis in the preceding paragraph, our reply to that might well be, ‘’And what then?’’

God is always on his throne, in control of all present and future events. We on the other hand are ordinary mortals, flesh and blood beings just as the apostles were. Let us take for our own those words that were addressed to them. We can remain calm in the midst of the storm’s raging. Little though we know what the coming days have in store, we do not have to be anxious but just put our trust in the Lord.

God bless you!

These last three months have been testing ones to a certain extent and on different levels, but we can confess with the apostle Paul, that God’s grace is sufficient.

In spite of the difficulties of our time in Central Africa, we were encouraged by the commitment shown by our driver, a ‘cousin’ (formerly -----of the other religion) who decided to give his life to the Lord. At the time of my previous visit at the beginning of the year, he was pushing to get baptised. This time, he did not fail me. Pray for his young faith, on account of the persecutions that have not been slow in coming. God alone knows what sacrifices I have made and what trials I have endured for this man’s conversion. Thank you, Lord.

The work in the Central African Republic continues to expand. A number of missionaries who we trained previously and who then joined other ministries, have come back and are getting ready to go to the mission field, to work among the unreached. We say, may the Lord’s Name be praised. Please pray for a programme of evangelistic outreach and seminars that we are planning for next year. May the Lord provide for all needs and direct all things.

We give thanks too for the different programmes of the mission consultation, evangelistic campaign and other activities by which the Lord has glorified his Name. Our physical weakness has not kept him from using us. The Bible tells of Jesus going from place to place, proclaiming the good news of the Kingdom and delivering those who were in the grip of the devil. We have seen souls won and people delivered from various illnesses. Some had been suffering for years. May all the glory go to Him.

Our hearts go out to the internally displaced people, particularly to the women and children who come to us to receive a little food aid. The current runaway inflation does nothing to help the situation, but we have no choice, knowing that the Lord is in control. He will never ask anything of us that is more than we can endure. Please can you pray for the provisions we need.

Fanel and brother Y went on a mission trip to the north of the country, to evangelise. They came back with the most amazing testimonies, and are getting ready to go back at the beginning of next year. Fanel’s prayers are starting to bring breakthrough in his wider family, as several are turning to the Lord. The words from scripture : ‘’Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved, you and all your family,’’ are constantly with him.

It was no surprise to us on Wednesday 25 December to be invaded by a number of cousins’ children, come to celebrate the coming of the Lord into this world. About eighty people turned up, altogether. Odile, despite her state of health, was kept busy entertaining the children and ladies from the neighbourhood. We pray that the Lord continues his work in their hearts, beyond our walls.

Prayer points :
- I will be back in France at the beginning of January to continue the teaching and training in Islamology. Please pray for my state of health, that I may perfectly serve the Body of Christ.
- Pray for the countries of BF and CAR, that are in need of political and institutional stability. Pray for church leaders to rise to their responsibility to help God’s people avoid partisan thinking and activity.
- Pray for Go Sahel, for the Lord to guide the outcome of a meeting held with leaders of the evangelical churches in BF, and for a resulting impact on the work among the cousins. We are planning visits to the AES countries.*
- Pray too for our family, for the children to have total commitment and dedication. We are encouraged to see the direction they are taking, and their progress. May they have discernment in their respective callings to serve the Lord.
- Pray for the peace of Jerusalem and protection on the nation of Israel.

* The Alliance des Etats du Sahel (Alliance of Sahel States) is a mutual defence pact that was concluded between Niger, Burkina Faso, Chad and Mali in September 2023, following the coup d’état in Niger in July.