Hidden Glory: Your Identity
Gail Dixon
All of us are born with a hidden glory inside. We are made in the image of the One who is all glorious. Our true success in life is not to do with how powerful we become, or how much money we can make, but how much of that glory we uncover. When that glory is seen in anyone, they change the environment around them because a little bit of heaven comes to earth. Abraham was promised descendants as numerous as the sand and the stars; we all have that mixture within us.
In this book I explore keys given in the Bible that will help us find our true unique identity, and therefore begin to discover our destiny. I have peppered it with testimony and tried to be as honest as I can about my own successes and failures in my 40 years in Christian ministry.
In this book I explore keys given in the Bible that will help us find our true unique identity, and therefore begin to discover our destiny. I have peppered it with testimony and tried to be as honest as I can about my own successes and failures in my 40 years in Christian ministry.
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Beloved Warrior: Love is the weapon
Jesus is the Beloved Warrior. His weapon is Himself, for He is love. This book will stir your hunger to know Him more. Biblical teaching, a little poetry and relevant testimony is used as a catalyst to cause us to fall in love with Him more deeply.The more we know Him, the more we become like Him. We too become beloved warriors, for His banner over us is love! He trains us to fight as He fights, as lambs who in the end, will defeat every roaring lion. Gail Dixon has been in Christian and missionary ministry for nearly forty years with World Horizons, and its sister movement, Nations Trust, which she presently leads. She maintains that the success of our lives and our work is measured in the currency of love.
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My Sea Is Wide
Rowland Evans
ROWLAND EVANS has led a truly remarkable life, but his seventieth year saw his driven, purposeful walk brought to an abrupt halt amidst the concerns and attitudes of the world to those "of a certain age". In this lyrical yet hard-hitting book, Rowland digs deep to face the hard questions: was this truly a time to stop, to retire, to douse the flame? Or was it simply a sea change, a new opportunity, a new doorway, through which awaited new anointings?
The backdrop to his intense journey includes fabulous glimpses of China and Tibet, as well as Wales, and their own peoples and characters.
"My Sea is Wide", with its beautiful literary prose, challenges, enthralls, entertains, teaches, enlightens, and opens new worlds and new possibilities to the reader's imagination.
£5 + P&P :: Please contact Llanelli centre

45 Minutes in China
Rowland Evans
Are you sitting comfortably? Then don’t read this book! Youwill begin with pleasure but finish in pain.It is poetic. This Welshman is a master of the Englishlanguage. The descriptive style is brilliantly written, a delightto the mind. China comes alive in a vivid way. Rowlandtakes you with him on his travels. But the literary sweetness disguises strong medicine which leaves a sour taste. Because it is also prophetic, in three particulars. First,China is rapidly becoming the next world super-power,which will affect all of us. Second, just as the industrialrevolution enriched the few and impoverished the many, sothe technological creates a widening gulf between the haves and the have-nots. Third, society will become increasingly hostile to Christians, until they are hated by all nations, as Jesus predicted.
£1 + P&P :: Please contact Llanelli centre