Mentoring new mission leaders and potential mission leaders to see people from their nation take the gospel to the ends of the earth.
Core Principles

Each Nations has its Gifts and Calling
It will take the particular strengths of each nation to complete the task of world evangelisation. We encourage leaders to bring the gifts of their home culture whilst adapting to the new culture God has called them into.

A Cross-centred Life
People are naturally self-centred, but Jesus invites us to lay down our own concerns and follow Him. There is freedom in submission to God and to the principles He has laid out in His Word, the Bible.

Worship and Celebration
Though we work in a world full of suffering, and that suffering is very real, we choose to work from heaven’s perspective, not focusing on the problems, but on the presence and the promises of God.

Teaching and modeling listening to the Lord, not just talking to Him. Jesus has prepared everything for us, our part is to listen and obey.
Latest Articles

Central African RepublicThis was where we had our first real result, in seeing a mission planted....

Beloved in the Lord, Christmas and New Year Wishes for 2025 Glory to God in the highest, and on...

[View as PDF] Dear friends, We ask for your indulgence for this letter to be a little different...

[View as PDF] Jesus prophesied wars and famines, earthquakes and pandemics before the End of the...
Discipleship Resource
Course on Prayer
Prayer defies definition just as love defies definition. The two are very much related to one another. Prayer and love permeate the whole of the Bible and will not be boxed in. They are open to all: rich, poor, educated, uneducated. Prayer is the most powerful love gift of all. It enables us to talk with and to hear our Creator. It allows us to work with the Lord to shape the destiny of the nations.