We are a small multinational team with many years of cross-cultural Christian ministry between us. We are also learning from those we disciple. As they gain experience, they too are able to help newer teams. Thus we are becoming a multinational family of mission teams.
As all the different tribes gathered to make David king of all Israel (1Chronicles 12:38), so every nation will have their part in manifesting Jesus as King over all the Earth. Our weapons are not of this world, we draw on the supernatural, overcoming power of LOVE.
So, how do we work
- We base all we do in worship and prayer, knowing that our only strength is in the Lord.
- We help leaders to test and realise their mission vision whilst they maintain complete autonomy over their own work.
- We endeavour not to impose a particular way of doing things, but allow each team to discover the strengths that the Lord has put into them individually and as a group.
- We provide teaching and training for their team members if required.
- We take opportunities to share the Biblical mandate for mission, to encourage every believer and every church to do their part, no matter what their race or their circumstances.
- We offer a base in the UK (Llanelli or Wellingborough) for a young team to grow and to learn English if needed.
Core Principles