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Jesus prophesied wars and famines, earthquakes and pandemics before the End of the Age. He also spoke of the persecution of believers (Luke 21:10-12, Matthew 24:6-10).

We are seeing all these things in increasing measure. He warned us so that we would not be overwhelmed, but would be able to stand and be in peace in the midst of turmoil.

Along with the devastation the Lord also says that the 'gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come' (Matthew 24:14).

To enable this the Lord has promised ‘And in the last days it shall be, God declares, that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh' (Joel 2:28).

In Nations, we are feeling all these things keenly and praying that the Lord would shape us into what He needs us to be in the coming days. We feel we need to slim our work down, casting off what was good for the past, but will not help the current situation in the world.

Lockdown has taught us that we can make much more use of technology to get our teaching and training to different parts of the world without the need to travel there. We know, however, that this will never replace being able to look someone in the eye or hug someone who is struggling, and we are sure that the team will still be doing some traveling.

St Elli House

Many of you will have been involved with us in prayer and giving to buy our 20-bedroom property. For the last ten years it has served us as accommodation for students and visitors, as well as a place for prayer and counseling for the teams that have
stayed there. The third floor, which was an empty shell when we boug
ht it, has been redeveloped into a family home for leaders who have pastoral and practical oversight of the building and its residents.
One of the mission movements we have been working with for many years is a Korean group, Frontline Nations (FLN). They are the largest team that we work with in the UK, and for some time now have not really needed any input from us. At this stage of development other teams have moved away to different nations and continued to grow their work.

However, FLN felt the Lord was leading them to stay in the area.
At the same time, the Nations team felt that we must shed some old responsibilities to make room for the new. The outcome of this, after much prayer, has been to agree to sell St Elli House to FLN, so that they can use it as their HQ and training base as well as accommodation. Realistically there have been almost exclusively FLN students in it for the last few years, although other teams and visitors have used it at times.

This will also free training rooms in our original building, the International Centre (Glanmor), enabling us to receive a new team and for those already with us, room expand. It means too that Steve Coupe, who has had overall responsibility for both buildings and all the background work associated with visas etc, will have a much needed lightening of his load.

We are selling St Elli House for less than the market price, as FLN was very involved with us in giving and praying in the money for the initial purpose. And of course, they are still family. It is a complicated procedure for various reasons, and we would appreciate your prayers for both us and FLN, who are now praying for the money to buy it. They have recently succeeded in forming their own Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO), which is a new type of Charitable Trust.

Nations plan to reinvest the money from selling St Elli House towards redeveloping part of the International Centre to provide some accommodation and other facilities.

We want to thank all of you who have helped us in the past to purchase St Elli House and we hope that you will be pleased that it is developing into a base for a growing Korean mission movement. We see this as progress for all of us.


The teams we work with in Egypt report a surge of interest in the gospel. There is great response to social media sites that share the gospel message. Many Muslims are open and seeking at this time.

Our colleagues are baptising and discipling MBB's (Muslim Background Believers) at risk to themselves and those whom they baptise. Recently we have heard of another lot of arrests among our contacts. Any Muslim who converts to Christianity is liable to arrest and so are those who help them. The Constitution of Egypt guarantees equal rights for both Muslims and Christians, but in reality a Christian can convert to Islam, but not the other way around.

Please pray for those recently arrested, both the MBB's and Christians who have helped them. One of the leaders we work with is in grave danger too and maybe arrested any time soon.

Central to West Africa

The leader of the mission movement in the Central African Republic with whom we have been linked for many years, is currently on an extended visit to a country in French-speaking West Africa. "Go Sahel" is the name of a vision they have to mobilise and train believers from that country to reach out with the gospel into the more strongly Muslim regions of the West African Sahel (bordering the Sahara Desert).


Almost from the beginning of Nations’ existence the Lord has linked us with Eritreans. Several have gone through training with us, and some are with us still. They are doing many things including helping Eritrean and other refugees in the local area and discipling Eritrean youth. Eritrea is a nation at the moment suffering under war and persecution. We are praying that, in time, an Eritrean mission team will develop.


Several years ago Pastor Ntai Pheko, leader of the Operation Up mission movement, received an unexpected but very clear word from the Lord, that missionaries from Lesotho had a part to play in taking the gospel to the Buddhist nations of the Far East. He is due to take his first mission team, numbering eight young trainees, on a visit to Thailand later this year.


Our team in Wellingborough has strong and growing links in India, particularly the North East. They are monitoring the Covid crisis there and getting updates from people on the ground. There are potential young mission teams forming to go into less reached parts of India itself and other parts of South East Asia.

Celebration for the Nations

We had to cancel planned Celebrations in Wales and Japan last year because of the Covid crisis, and we are waiting on the Lord for the way forward now.

Teme and Hara

Two of our Nations family who were married in July 2019, have been apart for most of their married life due to visa issues. Teme is a British citizen originally from Eritrea and Hara is Korean. She is currently stuck in Korea as the Home Office consider an appeal against their refusal for a spouse visa that we pray will bring them together.


Gail, who is part of the leadership of Nations, has had various health challenges in the past four years including cancer (which is now treated), a heart issue and back, hip and knee pain that are still under investigation. She has had to step back from some things and is grateful to the team who have picked up a lot of the slack. We are believing for full restoration for her. She has now written her second book, this time on identity, called 'Hidden Glory'. It will be out on Amazon in a couple of months time.

You can buy her first book Beloved Warrior by following this link: (go to amazon.co.uk) All profits go to Nations.

A new generation

We are praying for a new generation of self-supporting volunteer workers not only for the mission teams we work with, but also for Nations itself. We need people who see their role in serving others and seeing them succeed. Please join us in prayer for this and contact us if you think you could be part of the answer!

We realise it has been a very long time since we have written. As with many of you, we have used this time of lockdown to review and seek the Lord about the way forward. Some things are coming clearer, and others we are still reaching for.

Thank you so much for your prayer and your patience with us. We are grateful to you all.

The Llanelli Nations Team