“Gather the people together, so that I may give them water.” Then Israel sang this song:

“Spring up, O well!—Sing to it!” (Numbers 21:16-17).

I would like to encourage our hearts as we pray for revival by first remembering.


The Welsh Revival of 1904 not only transformed Wales, but had great effect for the Gospel in so many nations. I list the ones I have discovered so far below;

France, Germany, Holland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Russia, USA, Northern India, Korea, China, South America, the West Indies, and South Africa.

Probably what happened at the beginning of the 20th Century was the most significant move of God since the day of Pentecost. The Lord is always doing new things, and yet He also teaches us to respect and to remember what He has done in the past. Isaac re-dug the wells that his father Abraham had opened and also dug new ones. I believe that we are called to do the same.

Society was transformed in Wales. One of the main qualities of the revival is that the people involved in it were full of joy. Evan Roberts, the man God used to begin this work was not an eloquent speaker, but he delivered the word of God with faith. He allowed the Holy Spirit to move, and did not restrict Him. Tens of thousands, for whom religion had been a set of rules found a living faith. People walking past churches came under the influence of the Holy Spirit and were brought to their knees in the streets, confessing their sins and getting right with God. Pubs emptied and churches filled as people saw the change in their friends and family and wanted to see what was happening for themselves.

Songs were a feature of the revival. Sometimes one song would be sung for hours as the Holy Spirit burned the truth of it into the hearts of His people.

Grace and love like mighty rivers

Flowed incessant from above

Heaven’s peace and perfect justice

Kissed a guilty world in love.

The words above are part of what was hailed the ‘love song’ of the Welsh Revival ‘Here is Love’. Hardened drunkards were transformed as truth and love pierced their hearts. Families were restored, the poorest had enough to eat, as resources were shared and love prevailed.

Judges put on white gloves showing there were no cases to try as the crime rate plummeted. Policemen formed choirs as they had no criminals to catch.

All this is to say, the Lord did it once, and He can do it again. Of course it will be different, the world has changed, but the basic ingredients will be the same. The Lord is longing to renew our communities and bring His rule into the darkest of places. As we encourage our faith by remembering what He has done, let’s call out to Him to move again in our time.

Worship is key

One story from the Welsh Revival that has recently come to our attention is from Holland. A Dutch business man called Johannes de Heer had an impression from the Lord that Holland needed a hymn book. He heard of the Welsh Revival and visited Evan Roberts, and the Lord confirmed to him that he should compile such a hymn book.

On his return to Holland he spread the revival message and finished the hymn book. This was used extensively in revival meetings across the land. Many came to faith, though Holland did not receive a powerful revival like Wales. However his hymn book found it’s way into many Dutch churches, and Van Heer brought the songs onto Christian radio. One Dutch believer we heard from knew the hymn book from her mother’s church.

Dutch believers are now taking to the street and worshipping the Lord and praying for revival.


Please pray

For revival in and through our own lives and into our communities

For the right worshippers and worship teams to join us. Please help us to make the vision known by sending on the Celebration fliers attached with this email to others.

For resources to hire equipment/venue etc

For wisdom for the leadership teams in Wales and Korea.

Thank you.

Abiding with you in His love,

Gail and the Celebration team in Wales